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The list of sea moss benefits for health and wellness is quite extensive. The alga contains such a high density and diversity of nutrients that it can positively impact many different parts of our body and mind.
While only some of its claimed benefits are scientifically backed up, we've put together this non-exhaustive list of 18 sea moss's most valuable benefits for your health.

1. Immunity
Among its numerous benefits for health, consuming sea moss regularly strengthens the immune system. It’s been used by the Irish and British as a preventive natural remedy for flu-like viruses for centuries.
One study was conducted on Atlantic salmons[1] and found that fish that eat sea moss have a stronger immune system than those that don't. Another one led by Tamama K. from the International Life Sciences Institute about the potential benefits of dietary seaweeds as protection against the COVID-19 virus in 2021[2], clearly showed that the seaweed-rich diet in Japan helps prevent Covid viral infections by reinforcing the immune system.
Seaweeds, in general, and sea moss, particularly, are packed with nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals such as zinc and iron, with powerful immunity-boosting properties. Taking two tablespoons of sea moss gel daily during autumn and winter is of great help to reinforce your immune system and go through these seasons virus-free!

2. Weight loss
Supporting weight loss is another great benefit of sea moss and one of the many reasons behind its popularity. Numerous studies[3] have already linked edible seaweed consumption to weight management, so there are no surprises here. But looking deeper at sea moss’s compounds, it’s like a super potent version of seaweed for weight loss. First, it’s very rich in dietary fibers, which help regulate the appetite and stay full to prevent overeating. Additionally, sea moss is a natural fat burner that helps break down and metabolize fat. It's also proven excellent for gut health and acts like a prebiotic to rebalance the gut microbiome and accelerate weight loss. Last, but not least, it’s a zero-calorie ingredient with very little fat and no sugar, so you can safely take it daily or add it to any of your favorite weight-loss smoothie recipes.

3. Thyroid support
Thyroid support is an important benefit of sea moss. Like most kinds of seafood and sea vegetables, Chondrus crispus is rich in iodine. Iodine is an essential mineral for thyroid support, but the body can’t make it on its own, so its needs to be brought by foods and supplements. Iodine is used to produce thyroid hormones and regulate metabolism (the conversion of food into energy for cell growth and function). Therefore, iodine deficiency can have severe consequences on one's health and affect the muscles, heart, liver, kidney, and other organs. That's why table salts sold in the U.S.A. are supplemented with iodine. Sea moss is one of the natural ingredients with the highest iodine content. As a result, it greatly supports thyroid function and improves overall health. Warning: Always stick to the recommended dosage of sea moss. Too much iodine could have opposite effects and be dangerous for your health.

4. Heart health
You've probably heard before that seaweeds are a heart-healthy food. Well, sea moss is an excellent superfood in that sense, and promoting heart health is perhaps one of its most valuable benefits. Heart diseases are most commonly caused by high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and being overweight. By acting on all these four factors simultaneously, sea moss considerably helps reduce the risks of heart attacks and diseases. We’ll detail a bit more below.

5. Blood pressure
How sea moss lowers blood pressure ultimately comes down to substituting your table salt and increasing your heart-healthy minerals intake. High blood pressure or hypertension is related to two main nutritional issues: too much sodium and not enough potassium. Sea moss is a crucial ingredient here. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one serving of sea moss (2 tbsp / 10g) contains, on average, 6.7 mg of sodium and 6.3 mg of potassium. In contrast, the same serving of table salt contains more than 8,000 mg of sodium and close to 0 mg of potassium. Substituting sea moss for table salt within a healthy diet rebalances the sodium/potassium ratio, which considerably helps lower blood pressure. We recently received a promising testimony from one of our customers, Nathaniel O., who has been taking our organic sea moss for three months. He stated that his blood pressure has “lowered tremendously.”

6. Blood sugar and diabetes
While studies are still lacking on the exact effects of sea moss on diabetes, preventing type 2 diabetes, lowering blood sugar levels, and decreasing insulin resistance are some of the most promising benefits of sea moss currently under investigation. Studies[4] have already found that including seaweed as part of a nutritionally balanced diet helps support blood sugar management, lowers blood sugar levels, and reduces the risks of type 2 diabetes. This is partly thanks to natural compounds like carotenoid and fucoxanthin that are found in significant quantities in sea moss. Besides, sea moss’s high fiber content also plays an important part in lowering blood sugar because it slows down digestion and helps prevent overeating. Last, sea moss contains no sugar, so it can safely be incorporated into your favorite diabetes-friendly food or drink recipes!

7. Gut health
Gut health is another great benefit of taking sea moss regularly. Sea moss is considered a prebiotic. While probiotics are live bacteria found in foods, prebiotics are mostly fibers that feed your good gut bacteria. By providing prebiotic fibers to your gut microbiota, sea moss helps crowd out the undesired ones and ultimately promotes superior gut health. A well-balanced gut microbiome has numerous positive impacts on your overall health and wellness, including reducing chronic pain and inflammation, improving mental health and sleep quality, supporting weight loss, decreasing fatigue, and even preventing cancers, diabetes, and heart diseases.

8. Energy boost
Because sea moss is so rich in vitamins and minerals, it’s an excellent source of energy, and energy-boosting counts as one of its many health benefits. There are about 20.5 kJ (kilojoule) of energy in 10 grams of sea moss. As a comparison, a single espresso shot contains about 16 kJ. But unlike with coffee, the energy in sea moss is natural and does not cause any drowsy effect afterward. Our energy level is directly linked to our food, especially energy-boosting nutrients such as vitamin B, vitamin D, magnesium, iron, potassium, and omega-3. One serving of sea moss contains more magnesium than a banana! It’s also packed with iron, potassium, omega 3, and 13 essential vitamins, including the ones from the B complex. Taking sea moss is like taking multivitamins and supplements for energy but more naturally and less expensively

9. Skin benefits
A well-known benefit of sea moss is skin health and appearance. When you consume sea moss orally or apply its gel topically, skin benefits start appearing. Sea moss is a great skin moisturizer that deeply nourishes the skin with essential nutrients. As a result, your skin quickly becomes clearer and healthier. It's also known as a potent anti-aging ingredient for the skin. It acts as a tightening agent and prevents the signs of aging like wrinkles and loss of elasticity, sometimes even being referred to as the best plant-based source of collagen. Sea moss's high sulfur content makes it one of the most efficient antibacterial and acne-fighting natural skincare products, mainly when used as a face mask.

10. Hair growth
You can also use sea moss for your hair, especially if you suffer from hair loss. You may have already noticed that some hair growth products contain seaweed extracts! That’s because research has found that seaweeds promote hair growth[5]. Sea moss's high Vitamin E content also helps combat oxidative stress, the primary underlying cause of hair loss. Additionally, sea moss gel can be used as a natural conditioner that leaves your hair smooth, shiny, revived, and healthy! Sea moss consumers usually report noticeable changes within a few weeks only.

11. Fertility
In the Caribbean region, sea moss has been used to treat fertility issues in men and women for centuries. Besides cultural beliefs and consumers’ testimonials, the claims about Irish moss being a female fertility booster primarily rest upon four nutrients that are scientifically proven to improve women's fertility: folate, iodine, zinc, and iron. Regarding male fertility, sea moss is believed to increase libido, enhance sexual desire, improve erectile function, and increase sperm count and quality.

12. Sex benefits
Staying on a similar topic, one surprising sea moss benefit is its capacity to improve your sexual life! In the Caribbean region, especially Jamaica, sea moss is a potent sex elixir. It increases testosterone levels in men, reduces erectile dysfunction, boosts sex drive, gives more energy for sex, and reduces stress and anxiety in bed. While these benefits aren't all backed up by science, consumers' testimonials are numerous. And like with most natural aphrodisiacs, if you believe sea moss has sexual benefits, it will probably work for you. But, on the other hand, if you don't believe in it, you may not want to bother trying…

13. Women’s health
When it comes to women, the list of sea moss benefits is long. It covers fields as diverse as menstrual cycle, period cramps, hormonal balance, fertility, mental health, skin and hair beauty, weight loss, or even libido! That’s why Chondrus Crispus is often referred to as a “women’s superfood”! Besides the benefits we’ve already detailed above, sea moss is a great supplement to help regulate women’s menstrual cycles. Its nutrients help with hormonal balance and participate in period cramp relief by supplementing the body during menstruation. Another great benefit of sea moss for women is its incredible number of pregnancy-supporting micro and macronutrients. It’s similar to prenatal vitamins in many ways.

14. Mental health
Not only is sea moss good for your body, but it’s also good for your mind and considered a brain superfood! Again, it all comes down to the nutrients it contains. This seaweed is packed with potassium, antioxidants, flavonoids, and omega-3, making it one of the best mood-uplifting foods you can have, like chocolate, bananas, berries, and others. Consuming sea moss regularly may also help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression naturally. While the impacts of sea moss on mental health still need to be researched, two promising studies about similar seaweeds have already shown impressive results. The first one found that Chlorella seaweed helped improve physical and cognitive symptoms of depression and anxiety[6]. The second one, a major study about seaweeds and depression, was published in 2019 and revealed “a clear relationship between a higher seaweed intake and a lower incidence of depressive symptoms in Japanese adults.”[7]

15. Sleep quality
Sea moss naturally contains sleep-aiding and relaxing minerals like Omega-3, magnesium, potassium, and calcium that can help fight sleep disorders and their resulting chronic fatigue. It can be a gentle and natural alternative to sleeping pills that often cause strong side effects. Try taking two tablespoons of sea moss gel in the evening before bedtime. You can mix them in a calming and relaxing infusion, for example. Then, see if you sleep better and feel more recharged the next day.

16. Respiratory health and lung function
Sea moss also has numerous benefits for respiratory health and lung function. The Irish and British have used it for centuries to prevent and treat respiratory conditions, colds, and mucus problems. Its high content of omega-3, chlorophyll, and potassium makes it acts like a decongestant to soothe the bronchial system. Irish moss cough syrup is a popular flu-season remedy in Northern Europe to relieve pain, inflammation, and irritation of the airways. But thanks to its immune-boosting and antiviral properties, it does not only combat mucus and clear the airways but also helps treat the root causes. Chondrus crispus strengthens lung function and significantly improves breathing capacities. Its high iodine content may even be recommended for certain forms of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and certain chronic respiratory conditions in children.[8]. 

17. Muscle building and recovery
Bodybuilders and athletes also commonly use sea moss for muscle-building and workout recovery benefits. Its high content of vitamins B2, B9, and B12 boosts red blood cell reproduction, increasing oxygen and nutrient delivery to the muscles that can build and repair faster and more efficiently. In addition, sea moss has high taurine levels, the second most abundant amino acid in the muscles after glutamine. Taurine increases men’s muscle mass, strength, and power. It also reduces muscle damage and micro tears caused by exercising and accelerates the recovery process between workout sessions. Simply try adding two tablespoons of sea moss gel to your post-workout protein smoothies and shakes!

18. Cancer
Claims about sea moss being able to help prevent all kinds of cancer are numerous, but science is still lacking on this topic, and there's no sufficient evidence to support these. One study conducted in Japan found that the regular consumption of bladderwrack, a type of brown seaweed similar to sea moss, may have anti-estrogenic effects that reduce the risks of estrogen-related cancers.[9]. But more human studies are needed to confirm the potential role of sea moss in cancer prevention and treatment. We'll make sure to keep this article updated with the newest information available.

Like with any other foods or supplements, side effects also need to be considered. Fortunately, sea moss is generally considered a safe ingredient with few side effects. Still, we believe you should be aware of them before introducing sea moss into your new healthy diet and lifestyle. Common and mild side effects include:

•Feeling gassy or bloated
•Feeling full or loss of appetite
•Mild laxative effect
•Skin reactions when applied topically

Although rarely, sea moss may also cause the following mild or severe side effects: headaches, vomiting, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, low blood sugar, fatigue, hyperthyroidism, iodine poisoning, heavy metal intoxication, allergic reactions, etc. Last, the most dangerous side effect of taking sea moss is iodine poisoning. However, it can only occur if you ingest excessive amounts of sea moss (more than 20 times the daily recommended dosage).

[1] Palstra AP, Kals J, Blanco Garcia A, Dirks RP, Poelman M. Immunomodulatory Effects of Dietary Seaweeds in L.P.S. Challenged Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar as Determined by Deep R.N.A. Sequencing of the Head Kidney Transcriptome. Front Physiol. 2018 Jun 1;9:625. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00625. PMID: 29910738; PMCID: PMC5992350.
[2] Tamama K. Potential benefits of dietary seaweeds as protection against COVID-19. Nutr Rev. 2021 Jun 4;79(7):814-823. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuaa126. PMID: 33341894; PMCID: PMC7798825.
[3] Gómez-Zorita S, González-Arceo M, Trepiana J, Eseberri I, Fernández-Quintela A, Milton-Laskibar I, Aguirre L, González M, Portillo MP. Anti-Obesity Effects of Macroalgae. Nutrients. 2020 Aug 8;12(8):2378. doi: 10.3390/nu12082378. PMID: 32784488; PMCID: PMC7469045
[4] Vaugelade P, Hoebler C, Bernard F, Guillon F, Lahaye M, Duee PH, Darcy-Vrillon B. Non-starch polysaccharides extracted from seaweed can modulate intestinal absorption of glucose and insulin response in the pig. Reprod Nutr Dev. 2000 Jan-Feb;40(1):33-47. doi: 10.1051/rnd:2000118. PMID: 10737549.
[5] Effect of Seaweed Extract on Hair Growth Promotion in Experimental Study of C57BL/6 Mice. Won Ho Ha, Dae Hwan Park. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. DOI:
[6] Yunes Panahi, Roghayeh Badeli, Gholam-Reza Karami, Zeinab Badeli, Amirhossein Sahebkar, A randomized controlled trial of 6-week Chlorella vulgaris supplementation in patients with major depressive disorder, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 598-602, ISSN 0965-2299
[7] Guo F, Huang C, Cui Y, Momma H, Niu K, Nagatomi R. Dietary seaweed intake and depressive symptoms in Japanese adults: a prospective cohort study. Nutr J. 2019 Oct 7;18(1):58. doi: 10.1186/s12937-019-0486-7.
[8] Chronic nonspecific diseases of the lungs (CNDL) and iodine deficiency diseases in children. Turdikul Bobomuratov, Gulchekhra Isakova, Dilshoda Akramova, Alimardon Kuziev. European Respiratory Journal Sep 2011, 38 (Suppl 55) p1164
[9] Skibola CF. The effect of Fucus vesiculosus, an edible brown seaweed, upon menstrual cycle length and hormonal status in three pre-menopausal women: a case report. B.M.C. Complement Altern Med. 2004 Aug 4;4:10. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-4-10. PMID: 15294021; PMCID: PMC514561.

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Sea moss, also known as Chondrus crispus or Irish moss, is a seaweed that grows along the Atlantic coasts. Recent studies have revealed its exceptionally high content in minerals and vitamins making it one of the most in-demand superfoods.
But it has become so popular that everybody wants to have a say in it. Not everybody is a nutritionist though, and most online information about sea moss's nutrients is shockingly erroneous. Let’s debunk the myths and focus on science. How many minerals and vitamins does sea moss actually contain? What are they?

Before going through the detailed list of sea moss’s minerals and vitamins, let’s go back to the basics and review our nutrition lessons.
Chondrus crispus is one of the most nutrient-rich natural foods. Nutrients are substances our organism uses to function. They can be classified into 7 main categories:

•Dietary fibers

Because they’re usually combined in nutritional supplements, minerals and vitamins are often thought to be the same thing, but they’re not.
Vitamins are organic substances made by plants or animals. There are 13 essential vitamins for our body (A, B, C, D, E, and K, with 8 vitamins in the B complex).
Minerals are inorganics elements. They come from soil or water and are absorbed by plants or eaten by animals. While there’s a wide diversity of minerals, only a few are essential like calcium, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, and zinc. Our body needs these major minerals in larger amounts than other trace minerals. Vitamins and minerals act in concert and play vital roles. They help build bones and cells, heal wounds, boost the immune system, convert food into energy, and a lot more.
Nutritionists generally agree that there are about 30 vitamins and minerals that our body needs but cannot produce on its own or in sufficient amounts. That's why a varied diet is important and superfoods like sea moss or dietary supplements can make a big difference in health and wellness.


Rumor has it that sea moss naturally contains 92 of 102 minerals our body needs to function. While there’s no doubt sea moss is exceptionally rich in minerals, these numbers aren’t completely accurate.
The presence and exact amount of each mineral vary greatly from plant to plant and depend on the environment in which sea moss has grown. It's important to understand that not all sea moss plant contains all 92 minerals. Sea moss absorbs minerals that are found in the water in which it grows. Consequently, pool-grown sea moss (fake sea moss), for example, contains much fewer minerals than the wildcrafted type (real sea moss).

What are the 92 minerals in sea moss?

According to the US Department of Agriculture, a 10 g serving of sea moss contains the following 12 essential minerals in significant amounts (average content):
•Calcium: 7.2 mg
•Copper: 0.02 mg
•Iodine: 47 µg
•Iron: 0.89 mg
•Manganese: 0.037 mg
•Magnesium: 14.4 mg
•Phosphorus: 15.7 mg
•Potassium: 6.3 mg
•Selenium: 0.07 µg
•Sodium: 6.7 mg
•Sulfur: data not found
•Zinc: 0.195 mg

Besides, depending on the water in which sea moss has grown, it may contain traces of these 80 minerals and elements:
Actinium, Aluminum, Americium, Antimony, Argon, Arsenic, Astatine, Barium, Berkelium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Bohrium, Boron, Bromine, Cadmium, Cesium, Californium, Carbon, Cerium, Chlorine, Chromium, Cobalt, Curium, Dubnium, Dysprosium, Einsteinium, Erbium, Europium, Fermium, Francium, Gadolinium, Gallium, Germanium, Gold, Hafnium, Hassium, Helium, Holmium, Hydrogen, Indium, Iridium, Krypton, Lanthanum, Lead, Lithium, Lutetium, Mercury, Molybdenum, Neodymium, Neon, Neptunium, Nickel, Niobium, Nitrogen, Osmium, Palladium, Platinum, Plutonium, Polonium, Praseodymium, Promethium, Protactinium, Radium, Radon, Rhenium, Rhodium, Rubidium, Ruthenium, Samarium, Scandium, Silicon, Silver, Strontium, Tantalum, Technetium, Tellurium, Terbium, Thallium, Thorium,

Unlike what some self-proclaimed sea moss experts may say, not all these minerals are essential for the human body. Some may even be toxic if ingested in excess.

Nutritionally, it doesn’t really matter though. What matters is that sea moss does contain most of the essential minerals for our body in great amounts!


Sea moss also contains a surprising number of vitamins. In fact, it contains all of the essential vitamins, 12 of them in significant amounts, and others in trace amounts.

What vitamins are in sea moss?

According to the Food Data Base of the US Department of Agriculture, sea moss contains significant amounts of the following 12 vitamins (average content per 10 g serving - 2 TBSP.):

•Vitamin C: 0.3 mg
•Vitamin A: 11.8 IU
•Vitamin E: 0.087 mg
•Vitamin K: 0.5 µg
•Vitamin B6: 0.007 mg
•Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 0.002 mg
•Niacin (Vitamin B3): 0.059 mg
•Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 0.047 mg
•Vitamin B9 (folate): 18.2 µg
•Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5): 0.018 mg
•Choline (similar to vitamin B complex): 1.29 mg
•Beta Carotene (converted into vitamin A by the body): 7.1 µg

It also contains traces of vitamin B12, vitamin D, and retinol (a form of vitamin A). As for minerals, these numbers can vary considerably depending on the quality of the seaweed. 

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Can Sea Moss Help You Lose Weight?

Medically reviewed by Adrienne Seitz, MS, RD, LDN, Nutrition — By Ariane Lang, BSc, MBA on February 19, 2021

Sea moss (Chondrus crispus) is a red algae popular among health enthusiasts due to its purported health benefits, including weight loss.
While research supports the idea that sea moss has multiple benefits, you may still be wondering whether the weight loss claims about it are true.
This article reviews the benefits and downsides of sea moss and explores whether it may help you lose weight.

What is sea moss?
Sea moss is a red seaweed, also known as Irish moss.
It commonly grows in the Northern Atlantic coasts of America and Europe, mainly in Canada, Ireland, and Iceland (1).
Sea moss is harvested due to its high carrageenan content — namely lambda-carrageenan. This is a polysaccharide widely used as a thickener and stabilizer in the cosmetic and food industries (2, 3).
It’s also rich in minerals, such as:


These are necessary for numerous body functions, including thyroid function, bone health, building muscle, and transporting oxygen (4, 5, 6, 7).
Also, sea moss is very low in calories. A serving of 2 tablespoons (10 grams) of sea moss contains just 5 calories and 1 gram of carbs (8).
While sea moss is currently touted for its weight loss effects, it is traditionally used as a home remedy to treat sore throats and congestion.

Sea moss is a red seaweed low in calories and high in carrageenan, a polysaccharide used for its thickening and stabilizing properties.

It may help you lose weight
Sea moss has a few properties that may support weight loss. Research indicates it may help:
regulate your appetite
•influence fat metabolism
•modulate your gut’s friendly bacteria

May increase feelings of fullness

Carrageenan is one of sea moss’s main bioactive compounds. Due to its gelling ability and the fact that your body can’t digest it, it acts like soluble fiber in your digestive tract (3).
Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance. This slows digestion by increasing the rate at which food moves through your digestive tract and delaying the rate at which your stomach empties its contents
(9). So, it may leave you feeling fuller for longer, which may help you eat less. In fact, regular soluble fiber intake has been linked to lower body weight (10, 11).

May help reduce body fat

Some research on red seaweed suggests that carrageenan may potentially prevent weight gain.
Animal studies indicate that it may help reduce body fat by (12, 13):

lowering dietary fat absorption
•reducing the creation of fat cells
•increasing the breakdown of stored fat
•promoting the “fat-burning” effect of brown fat tissue

Additionally, a 12-week study including 78 adults with obesity determined that supplementing 1,000 milligrams per day of red seaweed extract significantly reduced body weight and total body fat mass, compared with the control group (12Trusted Source). Still, more human research is needed to validate this effect.

May have a prebiotic effect

Prebiotics are groups of fibers that act as food for your gut’s friendly bacteria — or gut microbiota (14).
Recent studies suggest that the composition of your gut’s microbiota may influence your risk of obesity. The proposed mechanism is that specific types of bacteria in your gut may affect your weight by regulating energy expenditure and storage (13, 15, 16).
That said, prebiotics may help make your gut microbiota healthier. And research on carrageenan shows promising results that it may improve the gut’s composition (12, 13, 14). Animal studies have shown that it may help increase beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium breve and reduce harmful species such as Clostridium septicum and Streptococcus pneumonia (17, 18).

Sea moss may aid in weight loss due to its carrageenan content, which may increase feelings of fullness, lower body fat, and improve your microbiota profile.

The bottom line

Sea moss is a red seaweed low in calories but rich in carrageenan. This polysaccharide acts as a soluble fiber, and it’s responsible for sea moss’s potential weight loss effects.
It may aid in weight loss by:

•promoting feelings of fullness
•influencing fat metabolism
•improving your gut microbiota

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